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Question 1 of 9
1. Question
Until Aubert went to Sulawesi, the oldest dated art was firmly in Europe. The spectacular lions and rhinos of Chauvet Cave, in southeastern France, are commonly thought to be around 30,000 to 32,000 years old, and mammoth-ivory figurines found in Germany correspond to roughly the same time. Representational pictures or sculptures don’t appear elsewhere until thousands of years afterward. So it has long been assumed that ______________________. Once Europeans started to paint, their skills, and their human genius, must have then spread around the world.
(A) By contrast, the gorgeous animal cave paintings in Europe represent a consistent tradition. The seeds of artistic creativity may have been sown earlier, but many scholars celebrate Europe as the place where it burst, full-fledged, into view. Before Chauvet and El Castillo, the famous art-filled cave in northern Spain, “we don’t have anything that smacks of figurative art,” says Roebroeks. “But from that point on,” he continues, “you have the full human package. Humans were more or less comparable to you and me.”
(B) But experts now challenge that standard view. Archaeologists in South Africa have found that the pigment ocher was used in caves 164,000 years ago. They have also unearthed deliberately pierced shells with marks suggesting they were strung like jewelry, as well as chunks of ocher, one engraved with a zigzag design—hinting that the capacity for art was present long before humans left Africa. Still, the evidence is frustratingly indirect. Perhaps the ocher wasn’t for painting but for mosquito repellent. And the engravings could have been one-offs, doodles with no symbolic meaning, says Wil Roebroeks, an expert in the archaeology of early humans, of Leiden University in the Netherlands. Other extinct hominin species have left similarly inconclusive artifacts.
(C) This is where Aubert comes in. Instead of analyzing pigment from the paintings directly, he wanted to date the rock they sat on, by measuring radioactive uranium, which is present in many rocks in trace amounts. Uranium decays into thorium at a known rate, so comparing the ratio of these two elements in a sample reveals its age; the greater the proportion of thorium, the older the sample. The technique, known as uranium series dating, was used to determine that zircon crystals from Western Australia were more than four billion years old, proving Earth’s minimum age. But it can also date newer limestone formations, including stalactites and stalagmites, known collectively as speleothems, which form in caves as water seeps or flows through soluble bedrock.
(D) Yet the lack of older paintings may not reflect the true history of rock art so much as the fact that they can be very difficult to date. Radiocarbon dating, the kind used to determine the age of the charcoal paintings at Chauvet, is based on the decay of the radioactive isotope carbon-14 and works only on organic remains. It’s no good for studying inorganic pigments like ocher, a form of iron oxide used frequently in ancient cave paintings.
1. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
① (D)-(C)-(B)-(A)
② (A)-(D)-(B)-(C)
③ (A)-(D)-(C)-(B)
④ (B)-(A)-(D)-(C)
⑤ (B)-(A)-(C)-(D)CorrectIncorrect -
Question 2 of 9
2. Question
2. 윗글을 바탕으로 추론할 수 없는 것을 2개 고르시오. [2점]
① The earliest known art, prior to Aubert’s discovery in Sulawesi, was predominantly found in Europe and dated back to around 30,000 to 32,000 years ago.
② Aubert’s approach to dating ancient art diverged from traditional methods as he focused on the radioactive uranium present in the ocher.
③ The discovery of ocher and shells in South Africa indicates that the capacity for art may have been present in humans long before it emerged in Europe.
④ The absence of older artworks may be due to the limitations of radiocarbon dating, which only works on organic remains and is ineffective for analyzing inorganic pigments like ocher.
⑤ The art of early humans is now strictly confined to Europe, with no evidence of artistic endeavors found outside this region.CorrectIncorrect -
Question 3 of 9
3. Question
3. 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것은?
① the birth of artistic expression arose not in Europe but in Indonesia around 40,000 years ago.
② complex abstract thinking that led to art creation first emerged in Europe shortly after modern humans arrived there about 40,000 years ago
③ the first humans in Europe were not capable of creating art
④ cave paintings in Europe were created by Neanderthals, not humans
⑤ the evolution of art was halted by a lack of suitable materialsCorrectIncorrect -
Question 4 of 9
4. Question
There’s still a tradition on Sulawesi of mixing rice powder with water to make a handprint on the central pillar of a new house, Ramli explains, to protect against evil spirits. “It’s a symbol of strength,” he says. “Maybe the prehistoric man thought like that too.” And on the nearby island of Papua, he says, some people express their grief when a loved one dies by cutting off a finger. Perhaps, he suggests, the stencils with missing fingers indicate that this practice too has ancient origins.
Paul Taçon, an expert in rock art at Griffith University, notes that the hand stencils are similar to designs created until recently in northern Australia. Aboriginal Australian elders he has interviewed explain that their stencils are intended to express connection to a particular place, to say: “I was here. This is my home.” The Sulawesi hand stencils “were probably made for similar reasons,” he says. Taçon believes that once the leap to rock art was made, a new cognitive path—the ability to retain complex information over time—had been set. “That was a major change,” he says.
4. 윗글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
① 술라웨시의 손 스텐실 전통은 행운을 가져다주기 위해 새 집의 중앙 기둥에 손도장을 찍는다.
② 술라웨시의 손 스텐실은 특정 사람과의 관계를 표현하기 위해 만들어졌을 것이다.
③ 술라웨시뿐 아니라 파푸아 섬과 호주에서도 손 스텐실이 발견되었다.
④ Paul Taçon은 호주의 스텐실 전통을 바탕으로 술라웨시에서 발견된 스텐실의 의미를 유추하고 있다.
⑤ 호주에는 사랑하는 사람이 세상을 떠났을 때 손가락을 떼어내어 슬픔을 표현하는 전통이 있다.CorrectIncorrect -
Question 5 of 9
5. Question
There are two main phases of artwork in these caves. A series of black charcoal drawings—geometric shapes and stick figures including animals such as roosters and dogs, which were introduced to Sulawesi in the last few thousand years—haven’t been dated but presumably could not have been made before the arrival of these species.
Alongside these are red (and occasionally purplish-black) paintings that look very different: hand stencils and animals, including the babirusa in Leang Timpuseng, and other species endemic to this island, such as the warty pig. These are the paintings dated by Aubert and his colleagues, whose paper, published in Nature in October 2014, ultimately included more than 50 dates from 14 paintings. Most ancient of all was a hand stencil (right beside the record-breaking babirusa) with a minimum age of 39,900 years—making it the oldest-known stencil anywhere, and just 900 years shy of the world’s oldest-known cave painting of any kind, a simple red disk at El Castillo. The youngest stencil was dated to no more than 27,200 years ago, showing that this artistic tradition lasted largely unchanged on Sulawesi for at least 13 millennia.
The findings obliterated what we thought we knew about the birth of human creativity. At a minimum, they proved once and for all that art did not arise in Europe. By the time the shapes of hands and horses began to adorn the caves of France and Spain, people here were already decorating their own walls. But if Europeans didn’t invent these art forms, who did?5. 윗글의 내용과 일치하는 것을 고르시오.
① The charcoal drawings in the caves depict only geometric shapes and stick figures.
② The red paintings in the caves include images of animals not native to Sulawesi.
③ The 39,900-year-old hand stencil is the oldest-known cave painting of any kind in the world.
④ The youngest stencil in the caves is estimated to be around 27,200 years old.
⑤ The findings suggest that art was first born in Europe.CorrectIncorrect -
Question 6 of 9
6. Question
The findings ⓐobliterated what we thought we knew about the birth of human creativity. At a minimum, they proved once and for all that art did not arise in Europe. By the time the shapes of hands and horses began to adorn the caves of France and Spain, people here were already decorating their own walls. But if Europeans didn’t invent these art forms, who did?
On that, experts are ⓑdivided. Taçon doesn’t rule out the possibility that art might have arisen independently in different parts of the world after modern humans left Africa. He points out that although hand stencils are common in Europe, Asia and Australia, they are rarely seen in Africa at any time. “When you venture to new lands, there are all kinds of challenges relating to the new environment,” he says. You have to find your way around, and deal with strange plants, predators and prey. Perhaps people in Africa were already decorating their bodies, or making quick drawings in the ground. But with rock markings, the migrants could signpost unfamiliar landscapes and stamp their identity onto new territories.
Yet there are thought-provoking ⓒsimilarities between the earliest Sulawesian and European figurative art—the animal paintings are detailed and naturalistic, with skillfully drawn lines to give the impression of a babirusa’s fur or, in Europe, the mane of a bucking horse. Taçon believes that the technical parallels “suggest that painting naturalistic animals is part of a shared hunter-gatherer practice rather than a tradition of any particular culture.” In other words, there may be something about such a lifestyle that provoked a common practice, rather than its arising from a single group.
But Smith, of the University of Western Australia, argues that the similarities—ocher use, hand stenciling and lifelike animals—can’t be coincidental. He thinks these techniques must have arisen in Africa ⓓafter the waves of migrations off the continent began. It’s a view in common with many experts. “My bet would be that this was in the rucksack of the first colonizers,” adds Wil Roebroeks, of Leiden University.
The eminent French prehistorian Jean Clottes believes that techniques such as stenciling may well have developed ⓔseparately in different groups, including those who eventually settled on Sulawesi. One of the world’s most respected authorities on cave art, Clottes led research on Chauvet Cave that helped to fuel the idea of a European “human revolution.” “Why shouldn’t they make hand stencils if they wanted to?” he asks, when I reach him at his home in Foix, France. “People reinvent things all the time.” But although he is eager to see Aubert’s results replicated by other researchers, he feels that what many suspected from the pierced shells and carved ocher chunks found in Africa is now all but inescapable: Far from being a late development, the sparks of artistic creativity can be traced back to our earliest ancestors on that continent. Wherever you find modern humans, he believes, you’ll find art.6. 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ 중에서 문맥상 적절하지 않은 것은?
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔCorrectIncorrect -
Question 7 of 9
7. Question
7. 윗글의 내용과 일치하는 것을 고르시오.
① It is safe to say that the art forms were first invented in Europe.
② Hand stencils are commonly seen in Africa.
③ Tacon believes that the shared lifestyle of ancient Sulawesians and Europeans respectively led to painting naturalistic animals.
④ Smith believes that the similarities between Sulawesian and European figurative art are coincidental.
④ Jean Clottes’s research fueled the idea that human revolution started in Sulawesi.CorrectIncorrect -
Question 8 of 9
8. Question
8. 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ 중에서 문맥상 적절하지 않은 것은?
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔCorrectIncorrect -
Question 9 of 9
9. Question
9. 윗글의 내용과 일치하는 것을 고르시오.
① Aubert is collecting samples of limestone from painted caves only in Borneo.
② Aubert and Smith are working together to develop new techniques to study other types of caves.
③ The paintings on sandstone can be dated by dating a silica skin formed on sandstone.
④ The conventional date on ocher representations of crocodiles and hippos found in the Sahara is 50,000 to 60,000 years old.
⑤ Smith believes that spiritual beliefs drove the very first art in Europe.CorrectIncorrect