대원1 1주차 진단고사
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Question 1 of 14
1. Question
[1-2] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
Have you ever seen a tiny bird feeding at a flower? That’s a hummingbird. How can this bird hover in the air like a bee? According to a Mayan Myth, the great god had a few small leftover pieces after making all of the other birds. Not wanting to waste any pieces, he used the leftovers to create a hummingbird. Generously enough, the god also gave it the ability to fly forward, backward, and even to stay in just one place. Scientists, however, would explain this wonder of nature in a slightly different way. It has been discovered that hummingbirds have unique, fast wing strokes, which allow them to fly smoothly in all directions. Moreover, they can flap their wings in a figure-8 pattern, which enables them to hover. Which view of nature do you like better? Both myths and scientific explanations help us gain into (A)________ natural phenomena. Although myths may not be factually correct, they demonstrate the (B)_________ of our ancestors. On the contrary, scientific explanations may be less imaginative but they teach us how to observe and (C)________ the real world. So next time you encounter a wonder of nature, how will you respond to it?1. 위 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [2점]
① 벌새는 꽃에서 먹이를 얻는다.
② 벌새가 최초로 언급된 신화는 마야의 신화이다.
③ 마야의 신화에 따르면 벌새는 다른 새들보다 늦게 창조되었다.
④ 벌새가 사방으로 비행할 수 있는 것은 독특하고 빠른 날갯짓 덕분이다.
⑤ 벌새는 8자 모양 패턴으로 날개를 퍼덕임으로써 한 자리에 맴돌 수 있다.CorrectIncorrect -
Question 2 of 14
2. Question
2. 위 글의 (A) (B), (C)에 들어갈 단어가 바르게 짝지어진 것은?
(A) – (B) – (C)
① intuition – honesty – invent
② intuition – creativity – investigate
③ insight – creativity – invent
④ insight – honesty – invent
⑤ insight – creativity – investigateCorrectIncorrect -
Question 3 of 14
3. Question
3. 글의 흐름상 다음 문장이 들어갈 자리로 가장 적절한 곳은?
Upon hearing ceaseless complaints, the gods lost their patience and decided to punish the baobab tree.When the gods created the world, the baobab was among the first trees to appear on the land. Next came the graceful palm tree. (①) When the baobab saw the palm tree, it said to the gods, “Can I grow taller?” Then the beautiful flame tree appeared with its red flowers and the baobab complained, “Why can’t I have beautiful blossoms like the flame tree?” (②) When the baobab saw the magnificent fig tree and its fruit, it became jealous. So the baobab pleaded, “Can I have sweet fruits as well?” (③) Thus, they found a way to block its mouth. (④) Without hesitation, they pulled the baobab up by its roots and replanted it upside down. (⑤) After that, the magnificent tree only grew leaves once a year. The rest of the year, the roots seemed to grow towards the sky.
CorrectIncorrect -
Question 4 of 14
4. Question
4. 다음 글에 대한 설명으로 적절하지 않은 것은? [2점]
Even the Smallest Creature Has Unique Gifts
(A Mayan Myth)
In the beginning, the great god had a few small leftover pieces after making all of the other birds. He did not want to waste any pieces, so he used the leftovers to create a hummingbird. The great god said, “I want to make sure the hummingbird can fly well since it is so small. So I will give it the ability to fly forward, backward, and even to stay in just one place.” He liked this little bird so much that he made a mate for it and invited all of the other animals to their wedding. Everything about the wedding was beautiful, except for the hummingbirds, who only had plain gray feathers. The other birds felt sorry for them and said to each other, “Let’s offer some of our beautiful feathers to decorate the couple for their wedding.” So the hummingbirds
received many beautiful feathers. The sun also promised that their feathers would shine beautifully as long as the hummingbird looked toward the sun.① This story explains the causes of the unique features of hummingbirds.
② This story shows the Mayans’ mythical belief about how hummingbirds were created.
③ This story shows ancient Mayans’ curiosity about the external characteristics of hummingbirds.
④ This story shows how hummingbirds were able to see many colors that are invisible to humans.
⑤ This story shows that ancient Mayans might have been fascinated with unique flight movements of hummingbirds.CorrectIncorrect -
Question 5 of 14
5. Question
5. 글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은? (2.7점)
Hummingbirds hum, but the sound is not their voice.Hummingbirds are the smallest bird in the world. (①) These birds are easily recognized due to their special hovering movement and colorful feathers. (②) They flap their wings so fast that they make a humming noise, which is why they are called hummingbirds. (③) Scientists have found that hummingbirds have unique, fast wing strokes, which allow them to fly forward, backward, sideways, and even to stop in midair. (④) Although they are small, they can fly up to 54 kilometers per hour. (⑤) They are also talented at staying in one place like a bee.
CorrectIncorrect -
Question 6 of 14
6. Question
6. 주어진 문장 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절 한 것은? [2점]
Hummingbirds are the smallest bird in the world.(A) Scientists have found that hummingbirds have unique, fast wing strokes, which allow them to fly forward, backward, sideways and even to stop in midair. Although they are small, they can fly up to 54 kilometers per hour. They are also talented at staying in one place like a bee. How is this possible?
(B) These birds are easily recognized due to their special hovering moments and colorful feathers. They flap their wings so fast that they make a humming noise, which is why they are called hummingbirds.
(C) They can flap their wings in a figure-8 pattern, which enables them to hover. As they hover, they use their long tongues to take sweet liquid from flowers. Their one weakness is their feet. Because they fly so much, they have poorly developed feet.
① (A) (B) (C)
② (A) (C) (B)
③ (B) (A) (C)
④ (B) (C) (A)
⑤ (C) (A) (B)CorrectIncorrect -
Question 7 of 14
7. Question
Why do you think the baobab has such an enormous trunk and root-like branches? It is because of the weather where it grows. After the rainy season, about nine months of dry weather follow. Such dry weather is hard for plants to survive in. Yet scientists have discovered that baobabs can grow to enormous sizes, reaching heights of 5 to 30 meters, and have trunk diameters of 7 to 11 meters. How can this big tree survive in the dry season? The baobab has deep roots to find water in the ground, and it stores the water in its trunk for the long dry season. This large tree can actually store as much as 120,000 liters of water, and the small branches help reduce water loss.
The baobab tree is a valuable water source for Africans in the dry season. The baobab’s bark, leaves, fruit, and trunk are all useful, too. The bark of the baobab is used for cloth and rope, the leaves for seasoning and medicines, while the fruit, called ‘monkey bread,’ is eaten. Sometimes people live inside the huge trunks. What an amazing life source for the African people!7. 위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① the climate of where it grows
② the unpredictable weather condition
③ the soil formation on which it stands
④ the deep roots which endure dry land
⑤ the long rainy season right after the short dry seasonCorrectIncorrect -
Question 8 of 14
8. Question
8. 다음은 위 글에서 나타난 바오밥 나무의 특성을 요약한 글의 일부이다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 각각 알맞은 표현을 바르게 짝지은 것은?
All baobab species are widely used by local people. Many species produce edible fruits, and people can make use of their leaves for (A)________ purposes. A strong fibre from the bark is used for rope and cloth in many places, and the trees supply raw materials for many other fields. Naturally hollow trunks often serve as water reserves or temporary (B)________.
*edible: 먹을 수 있는 hollow: (속이) 비어 있는(A) (B)
① cultural – cure
② season – cure
③ medical – clothing
④ season – shelter
⑤ medical – shelterCorrectIncorrect -
Question 9 of 14
9. Question
9. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?
If you go to South Africa or Madagascar, you can see huge and strange-looking trees called baobabs. Known as ‘upside-down trees,’ their branches look like their roots are ①spreading towards the sky. Why do you think the baobab has this unique shape?
There is an interesting African myth about baobab trees. When the gods created the world, the baobab was among the first trees to ②appear on the land. Next came the graceful palm tree. When the baobab saw the palm tree, it said to the gods, “Can I grow taller?” Then the beautiful flame tree appeared with its red flowers and the baobab ③complained, “Why can’t I have beautiful blossoms like the flame tree?” When the baobab saw the magnificent fig tree and its fruit, it became jealous. So the baobab asked the gods if it could have sweet fruit as well. When the gods heard these complaints, they became ④sympathetic with the tree and pulled it up by its roots. Then they replanted it upside down to keep it ⑤quiet. After that, the magnificent tree only grew leaves once a year. The rest of the year, the roots seemed to grow towards the sky.CorrectIncorrect -
Question 10 of 14
10. Question
10. 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ 지칭하는 대상이 잘못 짝지어진 것은? [2점]
Sometime between 1910 and 1912, Franz Kafka is believed to have invented the hard hat, a light helmet designed to protect against falling objects in factories.
As time passed, numerous innovations were made, making today’s helmets much safer and stronger than Kafka’s original design. ⓐThey are built to survive massive impacts while remaining light enough for wearers to play sports or do their jobs. Another innovation is that while old-style helmets were heavy and bulky, causing neck pain, today’s helmets are lighter and more comfortable for the wearer.
Despite all these innovations, helmets are still far from perfect. Sports players frequently experience brain injuries due to the force and frequency of blows to the head. ⓑThey can experience a variety of physical and mental problems later in life because of the repeated blows to their brains.
This is why scientists believe it is so important to study woodpeckers. ⓒThey are fascinated by the fact that somehow, the birds never suffer any physical or mental damage. Woodpeckers hammer their beaks into trees about 12,000 times every day. Each one of those impacts is about 100 times as powerful as a hit that would cause serious brain injury to a human.
Observing this pheonmenon, two Korean scientists, Sang-Hee Yoon and Sungmin Park, came up with a fundamental question: How do woodpeckers manage to avoid hurting themselves as ⓓthey pound away at hard surfaces? Determined to find out the answer, ⓔthey carefully examined the structure of the birds’ heads.① ⓐ – Kafka’s original version of helmet
② ⓑ – sports players
③ ⓒ – scientists
④ ⓓ – woodpeckers
⑤ ⓔ – Sang-Hee Yoon and Sungmin ParkCorrectIncorrect -
Question 11 of 14
11. Question
The scientists studied woodpeckers closely, and learned that the birds have spongy bones in the frontal part of their skulls. Woodpeckers also have beaks that are hard yet flexible. They also noticed that there is very little space for a woodpecker’s brain to move around inside its skull. The scientists concluded that the flexibility of the various parts of a woodpecker’s head helps to absorb shocks, which softens the blow of impacts.
The researchers decided to build a mechanical device that would imitate the functions of a woodpecker’s spongy bone and flexible beak. Their goal was to improve black boxes, the devices on airplanes that keep detailed records of each flight. They placed the black box’s recording device inside an aluminum container tightly packed with tiny pieces of glass. They also covered the container with a layer of rubber to absorb shocks and then covered the whole thing with a layer of steel. The project was a great success: The new black box was 60 times more protective than older types.
From the results of this black box project came another realization: _________________. Two Chinese scientists, Yubo Fan and Ming Zhang, decided to look into this more closely, and created computer models of the birds° heads. They also filmed the woodpeckers so they could watch them pecking in super slow motion.
They noticed the importance of the shape of a woodpecker’s beak. The top part of the beak is longer than the bottom half. When it hammers into a tree, it bends down and back, absorbing some of the impact. The researchers believe that these discoveries could be very useful in developing new helmets.11. 위 글에서 설명한 딱따구리가 충격을 흡수하는 신체적 특징이 아닌 것은? [2점]
① 단단하지만 유연한 부리
② 두개골 전면부의 스펀지 같은 뼈
③ 아래쪽과 뒤쪽으로 구부러지는 목의 움직임
④ 위쪽 부리와 아래쪽 부리의 길이 차이
⑤ 두개골 안에 뇌가 움직일 수 있는 아주 작은 공간CorrectIncorrect -
Question 12 of 14
12. Question
12. 위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① Nature is full of wonders which we humans can hardly imitate.
② Technological ideas driven from the woodpecker’s features can also be applied to helmet design.
③ Black boxes could be widely used in any kinds of transportation, not limited to airplanes.
④ Studying how woodpeckers fly would help pilots navigate in the sky even more safely.
⑤ Advances in biometrics will allow researchers to analyze survival tactics of woodpeckers.CorrectIncorrect -
Question 13 of 14
13. Question
13. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?
As time passed, numerous innovations were made, making today’s helmets much safer and stronger than Kafka’s original design. They are built to ①survive massive impacts while remaining light enough for wearers to play sports or do their jobs. Another innovation is that while old-style helmets were heavy and ②bulky, causing neck pain, today’s helmets are lighter and more comfortable for the wearer. This is important because people are much more likely to wear helmets if they are comfortable. Despite all these innovations, helmets are still far from ③perfect. Sports players as well as workers at construction sites, factories, and other dangerous work environments frequently experience brain injuries due to the force and frequency of blows to the head. Doctors believe that repeated blows to the brain can ④cause a variety of physical and mental problems later in life. This is why some scientists believe it is so ⑤insignificant to study woodpeckers. They hammer their beaks into trees at speeds of over 20 kilometers per hour. They can peck about 20 times per second.CorrectIncorrect -
Question 14 of 14
14. Question
14. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
On average, they knock their heads against hard surfaces about 12,000 times every day. Each one of those impacts is about 100 times as powerful as a hit that would cause serious brain injury to a human. Yet somehow, woodpeckers never suffer any physical or mental damage. Why not?(A) The researchers decided to build a mechanical device that would imitate the functions of a woodpecker’s spongy bone and flexible beak. Their goal was to improve black boxes, the devices on airplanes that keep detailed records of each flight. Black boxes are used to find out the causes of airplane crashes, so they must be able to endure the impact of falling from the sky.
(B) The scientists studied woodpeckers closely, and learned that the birds have spongy bones in the frontal part of their skulls. Woodpeckers also have beaks that are hard yet flexible. They also noticed that there is very little space for a woodpecker’s brain to move around inside its skull. The scientists concluded that the flexibility of the various parts of a woodpecker’s head helps to absorb shocks, which softens the blow of impacts.
(C) This was the very question that interested two Korean scientists, Sang-Hee Yoon and Sungmin Park: How do woodpeckers manage to avoid hurting themselves as they pound away at hard surfaces?
① (A)-(C)-(B)
② (B)-(A)-(C)
③ (B)-(C)-(A)
④ (C)-(A)-(B)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)CorrectIncorrect