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Question 1 of 5
1. Question
The brain is genetically structured, and culture is the product of communal thinking. Therefore, it can be said that genes and culture are bound together, influencing each other as they evolve side by side. Culture may change over time due to the influence of the ideas of individuals, but these changes are limited by a set of genetic “rules” of behavior. Humans who inherit these rules, along with a set of “cultural rules,” are able to survive and pass them on to their offspring. This causes cultural evolution to progress much like genetic evolution. Culture, however, can expand indefinitely and tends to evolve more quickly. The faster it evolves, the weaker the link between genes and culture becomes, although the link is never completely severed. This rapid cultural evolution allows humans to efficiently adapt to environmental changes in a way that is different from genetic evolution. It is this ability that separates us from all other animal species.
- 윗글의 내용과 일치하는 것을 고르시오.
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Question 2 of 5
2. Question
The entertainment industry is inherently unstable, with massive success just as likely as crushing failure. Despite this, corporations are keen to invest in this sector. What makes the entertainment business different from others is that its products are costly to make, but require little time and effort to copy and distribute. With material goods such as electronics, manufacturing costs increase with the number of units produced. On the other hand, while the first print of a film can cost millions of dollars to produce, prints produced thereafter cost approximately $5,000 each—with even lower costs for DVD production and distribution. The lack of proportion between the initial financial outlay and that involved with producing high volumes of the product means that successful works are incredibly profitable. In fact, the more a product sells, the more the start-up cost can be justified. This unique feature helps attract investors willing to gamble on an initially high investment paying off later.
2. 윗글의 내용과 일치하는 것을 2개 고르시오.
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Question 3 of 5
3. Question
In comparison to our ancestors, people today practically have a wealth of time on their hands due to modern technology. Nevertheless, many feel they are suffering from a time famine—not having enough time for everything they want to do in life. What can be done to alleviate this deficiency? Interestingly, psychologists’ seemingly illogical solution to this question is to donate one’s time to others. It is commonly known that when people feel busy, their interest in helping others decreases. However, outcomes of a study on time indicate that, though time has an objective quantity, people can increase the amount of time they subjectively perceive when they spend it with others. They are, in a sense, spending their time more usefully than normal, boosting their feelings of “time affluence.” What’s more, their generosity further affects them by making them more willing to volunteer their time in the future, enhancing the positive effects of the experience.
3. 윗글을 바탕으로 추론할 수 없는 것을 고르시오.
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Question 4 of 5
4. Question
Holography is a high-tech photographic process that subjects an object to a laser beam, recording the light which scatters thereafter. The recording, known as a hologram, can be presented as a three dimensional image. In order to create a hologram, you need an object, a laser beam and a recording medium. The first step is to split the laser beam into two separate beams using a half mirror coated with silver. The first beam, known as the object beam, is redirected toward the object. Upon hitting the object, some of the light from the beam is reflected onto the recording medium. The second beam is called the reference beam, and it is reflected by another mirror directly onto the recording medium. In this way, there aren’t any conflicts with the imagery from the object beam. Instead, the two beams coordinate to create a precise image that is imprinted onto the recording medium.
4. 윗글을 바탕으로 추론할 수 없는 것을 고르시오.
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Question 5 of 5
5. Question
Group polarization can cause some problems in decision-making. It is characterized by the original opinions of individuals who become ①intensified in a group setting. This phenomenon is caused by people contrasting their points of views with those of others. Prior to the shared discussion of the subject at hand, the members form personal opinions that they expect to be ②inferior to those of their colleagues. However, when the group decision-making process commences and they find that their ideas aren’t any more unique than those of other members, they may ③change to a lot more conservative or risky position in order to stand out from the pack. Individuals will be motivated to do this if they desire ④recognition and perceive themselves to be leaders. If some people in the group feel this way, a number of polar ⑤opposite views may arise.
5. 윗글의 밑줄 친 단어 중 어색한 것을 고르시오.