대원1 3주차 진단고사
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Question 1 of 10
1. Question
1. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것을 고르시오.
Researchers have found fossil remains of plant and tree life in Antarctica. More recently, dinosaur fossils have been uncovered, suggesting that Antarctica was not always so inhospitable to life. Dinosaur fossils discovered in 200-million-year-old rock near the South Pole prove that Antarctica was once a warmer place. These discoveries also support plate tectonics because these Antarctic fossils are the same as certain African fossils. Besides, they defend the theory that the two were once connected as part of Gondwanaland, the great southern supercontinent, close to what is now the southwestern Pacific Ocean. Other geologists have suggested recently that Antarctica and America were once connected even earlier. These researchers suggest that South America was then a pizza slice wedged in between Antarctica and North America about 500 million years ago.
① The fossil remains found in Antarctica were solely of dinosaurs.
② The dinosaur fossils were discovered in 500-million-year-old rock.
③ The Antarctic fossils are different from any African fossils.
④ The theory suggests that Antarctica and America were once part of Gondwanaland.
⑤ Some geologists believe that South America was once situated between Antarctica and North America.CorrectIncorrect -
Question 2 of 10
2. Question
2. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것을 고르시오.
Habits are the things you do to solve problems that are so familiar that you don’t need to think about them. That is, if you already know the answer to a question, you rely on your memory for the solution and do the same thing again. For example, I play the saxophone. The sax is a complex instrument with lots of buttons and springs and levers. As a result, things can go wrong with the sax that will cause it to play the wrong note. Periodically, when I play the note C-sharp, my sax suddenly and unexpectedly plays very flat. Because I have owned this horn for a number of years, I know that this happens, because a pad covering a valve near the neck of the saxophone has gotten stuck to the valve, and it needs to be opened. I do not need to think about how to fix this problem, because I can retrieve the solution from memory.
① Habits are the unfamiliar actions you take to solve problems.
② The saxophone is a simple instrument with few buttons and levers.
③ The problem with the saxophone playing flat is due to a valve near the bottom of the instrument.
④ The saxophone plays flat when the note C-sharp is played because a pad covering a valve near the neck sticks to the valve.
⑤ The teacher always has to think hard about how to fix the problem when the saxophone plays flat.CorrectIncorrect -
Question 3 of 10
3. Question
3. Which of the following understanding for ⓐ-ⓔ is NOT correct?
Deep below the surface of the ocean, massive currents of water are constantly moving around the globe. Over time, changes in temperature and salinity change the water’s density, causing the currents to circulate in a process known as ⓐthermohaline circulation.
The process begins near the earth’s poles, where the temperature is very low. As the surface ocean water in these regions turns to ice, it leaves behind salt. The extra salt makes the water denser, causing it to sink and be carried away from the poles by the underwater currents. The cold, dense water then travels between the continents toward the equator and gradually warms up and rises back to the surface. It flows along the surface of the ocean until it returns to one of the polar regions, where it becomes cold and dense again. The colder, saltier water sinks once more, and the process is repeated.
Although these currents move very slowly ― traveling only a few centimeters per second ― the gradual process of thermohaline circulation is extremely important to all life on the earth. As ocean water travels along the cold, deep layers of the ocean, it collects nutrients and carbon dioxide. When the water warms and rises, it brings these nutrients to the algae and seaweed that live near the surface of the water. Because these organisms are the base of the ocean food chain, ⓑthermohaline circulation is an essential part of the ocean ecosystem.
Unfortunately, ⓒglobal warming poses a substantial threat to this important process. As the earth warms and glaciers melt, the water near the poles becomes warmer and less salty. This results in less water sinking and flowing out toward the equator, which, over time, could ⓓhinder the flow of currents and potentially ⓔeffectuate drastic temperature changes around the world.
① ⓐ: Thermohaline circulation is a process that circulates the ocean currents due to changes in temperature and salinity.
② ⓑ: Thermohaline circulation is crucial for the ocean ecosystem as it helps in the distribution of nutrients.
③ ⓒ: Global warming is endangering the process of thermohaline circulation.
④ ⓓ: Global warming is causing an increase in the speed of ocean currents.
⑤ ⓔ: Global warming could cause significant temperature changes globally due to its impact on thermohaline circulation.CorrectIncorrect -
Question 4 of 10
4. Question
4. 다음 중 문맥상 적절하지 않은 어휘를 고르시오.
Some environments are designed precisely to ①tempt us into acting against our interest. That is what happens when we ②save at the high-end mall. Blame it on a retail experience specifically engineered — from the lighting to the color schemes to the width of the aisles — to maximize our desire and liberate cash from our wallets. What is really strange is that the mall environment does not jump out at us like a thief in a dark alley. We have chosen to place ourselves in an environment that, based on past experience, will ③activate the urge to buy something we neither need nor want. In overspending, we fall into a ④trap that we have set for ourselves. The environments of a casino or an online shopping site are even less safe. Very smart people have spent their waking hours with one goal in mind: designing each detail so it ⑤provokes a customer to stay and spend.
CorrectIncorrect -
Question 5 of 10
5. Question
5. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Scientific satellites have added enormously to our knowledge of the sun and planets of our solar system and the universe as a whole. The immediate practical application of such studies may not be obvious but the payoff is real. Studies of the sun and the solar system’s atmosphere enable us to improve communications here on Earth. Scientists are eager to begin studies of the planet Venus because it is considered a “twin” of the Earth. Its atmosphere creates a greenhouse effect that keeps the surface of the planet hot enough to melt lead. We are concerned that the Earth is gradually developing a similar effect owing to increasing amounts of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. _______________ could provide a real laboratory to learn more about this process to enable better understanding of what is happening to our own atmosphere.
① Venus ② The Earth ③ The universe ④ The solar system ⑤ The sun
CorrectIncorrect -
Question 6 of 10
6. Question
6. 다음 글과 일치하거나 추론할 수 있는 것은?
All dolls made before 1930, whether they be wooden, papier-mâché, wax, or china-head dolls, are generally termed antique dolls. Among the materials used for doll making, wood was the most common until the eighteenth century. Expert craftsmen carved wood to resemble human forms, and then delicately painted the dolls’ features on the wood and costumed them. However, because molds could not be used in this process, wooden dolls required far too much extra manufacturing effort. As a result, doll makers started to make dolls using other materials.
Papier-mâché dolls were mass-produced from the early nineteenth century to the early twentieth century. Papier-mâché was suitable for making dolls’ heads because it could easily be molded and painted. It also allowed for a more realistic doll face than carving. The legs, however, were made from wood, while the body was constructed from kid (baby goat) skin. Because molds could be used to make these dolls, they were sold cheaply, resulting in the demise of the wooden doll.
Wax dolls were generally contemporaries of papier-mâché dolls. Their heads and limbs were made of wax, while their bodies were made of cloth stuffed with animal hair or sawdust. Their heads were very realistic as wax has a similar texture and color to human skin. However, it could be very hazardous to make wax dolls in that the doll maker could be severely burnt by the hot wax or poisoned by the lead covering. Also, their wax covering was easily cracked because wax dolls were vulnerable to changes in temperature and humidity.
China-head dolls were mainly produced from the mid-nineteenth century onward, especially between 1840 and 1880. The name for this doll derives from their head, neck, and shoulders, which were made of china, or porcelain. The body was made of carved wood, stuffed fabric or leather. Contrary to the trend at the time, china-head dolls were made to represent women rather than children. They typically had black-painted hair, blue eyes, red cheeks and white skin, giving them a mood of elegance, reinforced by their elaborate costumes.① The transition from wooden dolls to papier-mâché dolls was primarily driven by the desire for a more realistic representation of human features.
② The production of papier-mâché dolls in the early nineteenth century did not significantly affect the cost of doll manufacturing.
③ The production of wax dolls, despite their realistic appearance, was not associated with any potential dangers.
④ The china-head dolls, which were primarily produced in the mid-nineteenth century, were not distinct from other dolls of the time in their representation of adult women.
⑤ The shift in doll manufacturing from wood to other materials was largely due to the high manufacturing effort required for wooden dolls, which made them less economically viable.CorrectIncorrect -
Question 7 of 10
7. Question
7. 다음 글을 바탕으로 추론할 수 있는 것은?
A study involved librarians who, as they issued a book to a borrower, lightly brushed the hand of the person borrowing the book. Outside the library, the borrowers were surveyed and asked questions about their impressions of the service the library offered. Those who had been touched responded more favorably to all questions asked and were more likely to recall the name of the librarian. Studies conducted in British supermarkets where customers are lightly touched on the hand when they received their change show similar positive customer reactions. The same experiment has also been conducted in the U.S.A. with waitresses who derive much of their income from customer tips. The elbow-and-hand-touching waitresses made 36 percent more tips than non-touching waitresses. Likewise, male waiters increased their earnings by 22 percent regardless of which sex they touched.
① The study suggests that physical touch can have a profound impact on the perception of service quality in libraries, but not necessarily in supermarkets and restaurants.
② The study implies that the act of touching can lead to a significant increase in the income of waitresses, but not necessarily waiters, regardless of the gender of the customer they are serving.
③ The study indicates that the act of touching can enhance the memory recall of individuals in library settings.
④ The study demonstrates that the act of touching can sometimes negatively influence customer reactions and perceptions because they can be offended by being touched without their permission.
⑤ The study reveals that the act of touching can have a higher impact on the level of tips received by waiters than by waitresses.CorrectIncorrect -
Question 8 of 10
8. Question
8. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Many plants rely on animals for the redistribution of their pollen.
(A) For instance, bees cannot see red shades but are able to spot yellow, green, blue, and ultraviolet light. Therefore, bee-pollinated flowers are mostly yellow with a touch of blue and possess a sweet scent, which the bees can smell.
(B) Unlike bees, butterflies cannot smell but are able to see most colors. Hence, butterfly-pollinated flowers tend to be brightly colored, particularly red. Moths come out at night and have a good sense of smell — moth-pollinated flowers are usually light in color so as to be seen in the moonlight, and release a strong, sweet scent only at night.
(C) In order to achieve efficient pollination, such flowers must be able to attract animals. This has been made possible through the development of colors, shapes, and fragrances that appeal to different animals.
① (A) – (C) – (B) ② (B) – (A) – (C) ③ (B) – (C) – (A)
④ (C) – (A) – (B) ⑤ (C) – (B) – (A)CorrectIncorrect -
Question 9 of 10
9. Question
9. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.
In contrast, if I say that Maddy is wicked, then you get more of a sense of her typical actions and attitudes to others.
Imagine I tell you that Maddy is bad. Perhaps you infer from my intonation, or the context in which we are talking, that I mean morally bad. ( ① ) Additionally, you will probably infer that I am disapproving of Maddy, or saying that I think you should disapprove of her, or similar, given typical linguistic conventions and assuming I am sincere. ( ② ) However, you might not get a more detailed sense of the particular sorts of way in which Maddy is bad, her typical character traits, and the like, since people can be bad in many ways. ( ③ ) The word ‘wicked’ is more specific than ‘bad’. ( ④ ) I have still not exactly pinpointed Maddy’s character since wickedness takes many forms. ( ⑤ ) But there is more detail nevertheless, perhaps a stronger connotation of the sort of person Maddy is. In addition, and again assuming typical linguistic conventions, you should also get a sense that I am disapproving of Maddy, or saying that you should disapprove of her, or similar, assuming that we are still discussing her moral character.
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Question 10 of 10
10. Question
10. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
Unofficial and unregulated economic activities occur all over the world, in spite of state authorities’ efforts to control their economies. Such activities make up what is referred to as the informal economy, where the exchange of goods and services is untaxed and unmonitored. Workers in the informal economy come from all kinds of trades. Examples include occasional workers, from street vendors and garbage recyclers to unpaid family workers, and informally employed workers in formal and informal enterprises.
Economists theorize that the causes of the informal economy are diverse. Unfortunately, some people are forced into informal work by their circumstances. This may happen when there are too few jobs compared to the labor supply. It may also be caused by insufficient wages, which force people to find part-time work that can provide extra money without having to be officially recorded.
However, necessity is not the only reason people turn to the informal economy. Some workers voluntarily participate. They may be enticed to join it by the potential for certain benefits. The informal economy enables some people to cut costs, for example by escaping taxation or working on illegally occupied property. Another theoretical benefit of the informal economy is flexibility and convenience. Informal workers may be able to adjust their schedules and work from home.
Of course, such benefits of the informal economy are in some cases outweighed by its problems. Workers in the informal economy have less access to social services than those in the formal economy. They do not receive the benefits of insurance and pension systems offered by the government or formal enterprises. In addition, compared to those in the formal economy, they have fewer rights as employees. Average incomes are lower, equipment can be old and dangerous, and exploitation is more common.① The benefits and drawbacks of taxation
② The role of state authorities in controlling economies
③ The characteristics, causes, benefits, and risks of the informal economy
④ The conditions and rights of workers in formal enterprises
⑤ The impact of insufficient wages on part-time workCorrectIncorrect