한영1 기말 1주차 진단고사
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Question 1 of 10
1. Question
- 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? (10점)
Namibian communities have been receiving nearly $10 million a year from wildlife, says Fred Nelson, a wildlife expert who spent 11 years in Africa developing wildlife management partnerships. Since the revenues come primarily from trophy hunting and tourism ventures, local communities had a strong incentive to protect the animals and their habitat. These new incentives led to a natural resurgence in wildlife numbers. Even the number of black rhinos in Namibia rose from 707 in 1997 to 1,134 in 2004. Clearly, property rights to ownership or use and freedom to trade are among the keys to conservation. These incentives can encourage protection, care, and increased numbers, just as they do with cattle. Indeed, after legal action by private rhino holders, a judge in South Africa lifted the ban on domestic trade in rhino horn. Trade will give those farmers and communities that own rhinos an incentive to protect them. But where ownership and trade are prohibited, the protection will be missing and poaching will probably continue.
① The role of trophy hunting in wildlife conservation
② Economic benefits of wildlife tourism in Namibia
③ The importance of property rights and trade in wildlife conservation
④ The resurgence of black rhinos in Namibia
⑤ Legal actions affecting rhino horn trade in South Africa
Question 2 of 10
2. Question
- 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 2개 고르시오. (11점)
Unfortunately, unemployment programs have an unintended secondary effect: They increase the unemployment rate. The benefits make it less costly for an unemployed worker to turn down available jobs and continue searching while receiving the payments. They also reduce the incentive of the unemployed to switch occupations or move to another location in order to find employment. As a result, workers stay unemployed longer and the overall unemployment rate is higher than it would be otherwise. In fact, empirical evidence indicates that there is a spike in the number of unemployed workers obtaining employment just before and immediately after their unemployment benefits are exhausted. The persistently higher unemployment rates in Europe, where the benefits are more generous, also indicate that the program pushes the unemployment rate upward, perhaps by as much as 2 or 3 percentage points.
① Unemployment programs unintentionally contribute to an increase in the overall unemployment rate.
② The availability of unemployment benefits makes it more expensive for workers to reject job offers.
③ Unemployment benefits reduce the motivation of job seekers to change careers or relocate for work.
④ There is a noticeable rise in the number of unemployed individuals finding jobs just before their benefits run out.
⑤ European countries with more generous unemployment benefits experience lower unemployment rates compared to others.
Question 3 of 10
3. Question
- 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 2개 고르시오. (12점)
The sense of familial and cultural solidarity that comes with feasting can be very pleasant and reassuring, rewarding in ways both nutritional and psychological. Eating to 120 percent full is probably a pretty standard performance at a feast, so over the course of a million-plus years of feasting, a strong psychological association likely evolved between being extra full and a sense of social well-being. The importance of social life to human beings cannot be underestimated. The common ancestor we shared with chimpanzees millions of years ago was likely a highly social species, just as chimpanzees and we are today. Over the course of our evolution, humans gained a tool — language — that has helped our kind to ratchet up all aspects of social life. Sharing food both on a day-to-day basis and on special occasions is part of the complex of behaviors that now defines how humans are social. In a less profound or obvious way, occasional overeating may also be part of this complex.
① The passage suggests that eating to 120 percent full is a common occurrence during feasts.
② The common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees was likely a solitary species.
③ Language has played a significant role in enhancing human social interactions throughout evolution.
④ The passage indicates that occasional overeating is unrelated to human social behaviors.
⑤ Feasting provides benefits that are both nutritional and psychological according to the passage.
Question 4 of 10
4. Question
- 다음 글을 바탕으로 추론할 수 없는 것을 고르시오. (13점)
There are a number of ways our selfish behaviour can be moderated, especially when attention is drawn to us. For example, simply looking in a mirror forces adults literally to self-reflect, which studies have shown reduces cheating on a test. This effect of mirrored self-focus on morality is consistent with recent studies demonstrating that merely hanging up posters of staring human eyes doubled the number of diners that cleaned up after themselves after they had finished their meals. When we think we are being watched, we tend to behave ourselves. If the fear of exposure regulates our transgressions, then religions with an all-seeing God may operate to foster moral behaviour precisely because followers think that they are constantly observed. Most of the world’s religions promote prosociality in their teachings and practices. There is a common assumption that religions foster kindness and generosity, as epitomized by the parable of the Good Samaritan in Christianity.
① The act of self-reflection, triggered by seeing one’s own image in a mirror, has been linked to a decrease in dishonest behaviors during testing scenarios.
② The presence of posters depicting eyes was effective in increasing the likelihood of diners cleaning up after themselves, suggesting a behavioral change prompted by the sensation of being observed.
③ Religious teachings often include narratives that encourage acts of kindness and generosity, as illustrated by the parable of the Good Samaritan in Christian doctrine.
④ The concept of an omnipresent deity in some religions may contribute to adherents’ adherence to moral standards due to the perceived constant surveillance.
⑤ Selfish behaviors are more likely to be moderated by external interventions in environments where individuals are not aware they are being observed.
Question 5 of 10
5. Question
- 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? (7점)
Consider the old saying “A little learning is a ①perilous thing.” As individuals, we are quick to access information that helps us. But we often lack the ability to make sense of it, or to use it ②suitably. One of us has a brother who is a medical doctor. He encounters this problem on a daily basis (and we might add, he is not too ③unhappy about it). Patients show up with (often incorrect) self-diagnoses derived from spending a couple of hours on the Internet. It is the same in business: senior executives ④doubt their subordinates because their corporate IT system gives them line of sight down to detailed plant-level data. At a societal level, people believe they have the right to information that is in the public interest (think Wikileaks), but they are rarely capable of interpreting and using it in a ⑤reasonable way.
Question 6 of 10
6. Question
- 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. (11점)
Many economic laws have been criticized as having only statistical necessity. Consider the law stating that the quantity sold varies inversely with its price. We can show that it is not universally true with a thought experiment featuring an isolated village of peasants. The villagers can subsist on a weekly ration of one pound of rice and two pounds of beans or can subsist on the tastier and more nutritious fare of one pound of rice, one pound of beans, and one pound of fish. Rice and beans each cost $ 1.00 per pound, but a pound of fish costs $1.20. Since the peasants are paid $ 3.20 a week, they spend it all on the rice, beans, and fish diet. What happens if the price of beans rises to $ 1.10? (It is impossible to buy less than a pound of anything.) ________.
① The villagers will be forced to maintain their dietary habits.
② The villagers will reduce the total amount of food due to the lack of money.
③ The villagers will have to find additional sources of income.
④ Bean sales double because the only adequate diet becomes the one with one pound of rice and two pounds of beans.
⑤ The villagers will seek cheaper alternatives to beans.
Question 7 of 10
7. Question
- 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. (8점)
We frame losses and gains relative to a subjective reference point. This means that we are concerned not so much about absolute wealth, but about our relative wealth. For example, if I have bought a house for £150,000, then this is likely to become my reference point, and it is against this value that I measure any gains or losses.
(A) If I hear that, on average, house prices have increased by 10 per cent in the period since I purchased the property, then I may shift my reference point and judge whether I have made a gain or loss relative to a reference value of £165,000.
(B) If I sell the house for more than £150,000, then I view this as a gain; if I sell the house for less than £150,000, then I view this as a loss. But note that my reference point may not remain static over time.
(C) A parallel situation can occur in stock markets where I set the initial reference value according to the purchase price I paid for the shares, but I may shift the reference value in the future according to how the stock market has performed overall.
① (A) – (C) – (B) ② (B) – (A) – (C) ③ (B) – (C) – (A)
④ (C) – (A) – (B) ⑤ (C) – (B) – (A)
Question 8 of 10
8. Question
- 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오. (7점)
The other is preservation: The solution has to be transmitted to others and remembered, so everyone can continue using it even after the inventor or discoverer has died.
The contribution of culture to progress has been called the ratchet effect, based on an analogy with the tool that permits forward movement but prevents backward movement. ( ① ) Michael Tomasello, an expert who has written extensively about both primate and human thought capabilities, summarizes the effect this way. ( ② ) Two things are needed for progress. The first is innovation: Someone has to come up with a better solution to a common problem. ( ③ ) Tomasello says that nonhuman apes actually are pretty good at coming up with novel, creative solutions to problems. ( ④ ) For them (our biological relatives), the problem is with preservation. ( ⑤ ) Even if the solver remembers the solution for a while, and even if a couple of his or her mates copy the solution and use it for a while, it is eventually forgotten, and the next generation has to start over.
Question 9 of 10
9. Question
- 다음 글을 바탕으로 추론할 수 있는 것을 고르시오. (13점)
Reaffirming friendships is central in the lives of children. Organized sports provide contexts for making friends, but friendships are difficult to nurture when children see each other only at adult-controlled practices and games. Additionally, making friends with opponents is seldom considered in organized sports. Therefore, youth teams should be neighborhood- and school-based whenever possible. Pregame warm-ups should mix players from both teams, and players should introduce themselves to the person they line up with as each quarter or half begins. Unless children learn that games cannot exist without cooperation between opponents, they will have no understanding of fair play, why rules exist, why rule enforcement is necessary, and why players should follow game rules. Without this understanding, children don’t have what it takes to maintain fair play at the same time that they strive for competitive success. When this occurs, youth sports are not worth our time and effort.
① Children can’t develop deep friendships through unstructured play.
② The primary goal of organized sports is to ensure that children win games rather than make friends.
③ Mixing players from different teams during pregame activities can foster a spirit of companionship and sportsmanship.
④ Youth sports based on neighborhood and school affiliations primarily focus on enhancing competitive skills rather than fostering friendships.
⑤ The enforcement of rules in games is primarily the responsibility of the adults in charge rather than the players themselves.
Question 10 of 10
10. Question
- 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. (8점)
Don’t you hate when you go to a buffet and everything tastes too good? You take great care to eat a healthy bountiful salad before you dig into the meats, vegetables, and side dishes. Much later, as you sit back in your chair and rub your stomach to find room, there is none.
(A) Those delicious delicacies prepared for dessert will go untouched. If you had only started with the sweet temptations, some of the other dishes could have been passed up without remorse. There are times in life when you have to do just that.
(B) There will always be deadlines and commitments, but there is only one sunrise and sunset every day. Take the time to enjoy them and you won’t be sorry. Believe it or not, sometimes the chocolate cake is better for you than the salad. Start with the good stuff and everything else will fall into place.
(C) Instead of waiting until your work is done to see if you will have time for relaxing, take the time first. Don’t wait for after work to see a movie, catch the early morning show and go to work late.
① (A) – (C) – (B) ② (B) – (A) – (C) ③ (B) – (C) – (A)
④ (C) – (A) – (B) ⑤ (C) – (B) – (A)