한영 3-1 중간 1주차 진단고사
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Question 1 of 10
1. Question
1. 다음 중 문법상 틀린 부분을 고르시오.
Each ①course ②is consisted of ten units ③that help ④improve your drawing and story-telling skills. Moreover, these courses are designed ⑤to suit any level, from beginner to advanced.CorrectIncorrect -
Question 2 of 10
2. Question
2. 다음 중 밑줄 친 단어 중 문맥상 잘못된 것을 고르시오.
Dear Mr. Butler, I am James Franklin, principal of Grandview High School. Each year we provide ①engaging events to bring our school’s community together. This year, we are trying to have a chess tournament. We think that it will create a healthy competitive atmosphere and help students make new friends. And some of the students in our school chess club are showing very ②promising result, and are aiming to participate in the City Chess Tournament. They are practicing hard for the tournament. However, due to our school’s budgetary ③limitations, we had to ④reduce school supplies. To offer our students the best education possible, we need the supplies to keep our chess club running. We would like to ask that you help us continue the chess club by donating money. If you ⑤attribute to our school, you’ll be a hero to the students who are pursuing their dream of becoming chess players. Sincerely, James Franklin.
CorrectIncorrect -
Question 3 of 10
3. Question
3. 다음 중 어법 혹은 어휘가 어색한 것을 모두 고르시오.
Olivia pulled a piece of bright yellow silk from the display. In her free hand she held a sample of beaded lace and tried to imagine the sound it would make ①to whisper around her ankles as she danced. Now that the war was over, there would be a lot of dancing. Anticipation bubbled in her chest. She’d meet a real gentleman this season, and who knew? Maybe she would get married. “May I help you?” A shopkeeper stood ②besides her. “I would like five yards of this silk and a roll of this lace,” Olivia said. “I’m very sorry, miss. They are already reserved.” What a ④letdown! No other fabric would make her as ④beautifully as the yellow silk, and no other pearls would make such a charming whisper. With a sigh, she ⑤returned the items to the display.CorrectIncorrect -
Question 4 of 10
4. Question
4. 다음 중 의미가 다른 하나는?
CorrectIncorrect -
Question 5 of 10
5. Question
5. 다음 중 추론할 수 있는 것을 고르시오.
Being able to prioritize your responses allows you to connect more deeply with individual customers, be it a one-off interaction around a particularly delightful or upsetting experience, or the development of a longer-term relationship with a significantly influential individual within your customer base. If you’ve ever posted a favorable comment or any comment, for that matter about a brand, product or service, think about what it would feel like if you were personally acknowledged by the brand manager, for example, as a result. In general, people post because they have something to say and because they want to be recognized for having said it. In particular, when people post positive comments they are expressions of appreciation for the experience that led to the post. While a compliment to the person standing next to you is typically answered with a response like “Thank You,” the sad fact is that most brand compliments go unanswered. These are lost opportunities to understand what drove the compliments and create a solid fan based on them.
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Question 6 of 10
6. Question
6. 다음은 ‘관계자 귀하’에 해당하는 영어 표현이다. 각 빈칸을 채우시오. (1칸 1단어. 대소문자 구분 없음.)
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Question 7 of 10
7. Question
7. 다음 중 밑줄 친 that의 종류가 잘못된 것을 모두 고르시오.
One of the biggest misconceptions about creativity is ①that it takes a brilliant idea to solve a complex problem. While this may be true in pure sciences, in most commercial contexts, or even in day-to-day living, it is never ②that one silver bullet ③that does the magic. It is, in fact, a series of seemingly simple ideas ④that counts. The key is to have enough ideas ⑤that solve specific parts of the overall problem, and then the thorny task looks very much tenable.CorrectIncorrect -
Question 8 of 10
8. Question
8. 다음 중 밑줄 친 attribute와 의미가 같은 것은?
The term quality generally refers to any attribute, service, or performance that is highly valued within a group or a community.
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Question 9 of 10
9. Question
9. 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Political decisions and management decisions about how much of any given species can be harvested are often based on the amount of money there is to be made. Profit leads to economic growth, which is the goal of many politicians and business leaders. But the problem with seeking continuous economic growth is that our economy is not separate from our environment. Everything in our economy comes from our environment. We extract resources from the world around us, consume them as products we eat or use, and then dump the waste back into the Earth. Our Earth is a finite ecosystem, which means there is only so much that we can take from the natural world to feed our economy, and only so much waste that the Earth can absorb, before [_______________]. The constant effort to extract more and more resources is actually an ecological impossibility over the long term. Our survival depends on learning to live within the limits of ecosystems.CorrectIncorrect -
Question 10 of 10
10. Question
10. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
Consider people with disabilities often they are judged using criteria of competence that are biased in favor of nondisabled people. Compare, for example, an average blind person with an average sighted person. Who will be more competent in walking from one place to another? You might think that the sighted person will be more competent because the sighted person can see where he or she is going, but this is using an unfair criterion. If you think about competence based on the fairer criterion of who can best walk with the eyes closed, then the blind person will definitely be more competent. Such knowledge about people who are blind and, by extension, other socially marginalized people, can make us appreciate them and celebrate their unique abilities as they really are, rather than discriminate against, pity, or patronize them for some incompetence that does not exist except as a figment of our traditional, prejudiced imaginations.