한영2 3주차 복습시험
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Question 1 of 5
1. Question
People behave in highly ①foreseeable ways when they experience certain thoughts. When they agree, they nod their heads. So far, no ②shock, but according to an area of research known as “proprioceptive psychology,” the process also works in reverse. Get people to behave in a certain way and you cause them to have certain thoughts. The idea was initially ③disputed, but fortunately it was supported by a compelling experiment. Participants in a study were asked to fixate on various products moving across a large computer screen and then indicate whether the items appealed to them. Some of the items moved vertically (causing the participants to nod their heads while watching), and others moved horizontally (resulting in a sidetoside head movement). Participants preferred vertically moving products without being aware that their “yes” and “no” head movements had played a ④minor role in their ⑤choices.
- 윗글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 적절하지 않은 것은?
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Question 2 of 5
2. Question
If you drive down a busy street, you will find many competing businesses, often right next to one another. For example, in most places a consumer in search of a quick meal has many choices, and more fast-food restaurants appear all the time. These competing firms advertise heavily. The temptation is to see advertising as driving up the price of a product without any benefit to the consumer. However, this misconception doesn’t account for why firms advertise. In markets where competitors sell slightly differentiated products, advertising enables firms to inform their customers about new products and services. Yes, costs rise, but consumers also gain information to help make purchasing decisions. Consumers also benefit from added variety, and we all get a product that’s pretty close to our vision of a perfect good—and no other market structure delivers that outcome.
2. 윗글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
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Question 3 of 5
3. Question
A young child may be puzzled when asked to distinguish between the directions of right and left. But that same child may have no difficulty in determining the directions of up and down or back and front. Scientists propose that this occurs because, although we experience three dimensions, only two had a strong influence on our evolution : the vertical dimension as defined by gravity and, in mobile species, the front/back dimension as defined by the positioning of sensory and feeding mechanisms. These influence our perception of vertical versus horizontal, far versus close, and the search for dangers from above (such as an eagle) or below (such as a snake). However, the left‑right axis is not as relevant in nature. A bear is equally dangerous from its left or the right side, but not if it is upside down. In fact, when observing a scene containing plants, animals, and man‑made objects such as cars or street signs, we can only tell when left and right have been inverted if we observe those artificial items.
3. What is the most appropriate topic of the passage above?
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Question 4 of 5
4. Question
The recent death of an elementary school teacher in Seoul has ignited debates on the need for legislative reforms to protect educators. On Tuesday, the teacher, who was in her 20s, took her own life early in the morning within her classroom at the elementary school in Seoul’s affluent Seocho District. Her death has sparked online speculation that she was struggling with school violence committed by her students and subsequent complaints from parents. The Seoul branch of the Korean Teachers and Education Workers Union released reports received from teachers employed at the school between 2020 and 2023, Friday, to help provide context to the situation the young teacher had faced. The reports said the workload and parental complaints concerning school violence at Seoul Seo2 Elementary School, where the deceased teacher worked, were at “an incomprehensibly immense level” and the environment allegedly hindered teachers’ ability to perform their normal duties.
4. Which of the following cannot be inferred from the passage?
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Question 5 of 5
5. Question
The situation was particularly difficult for young, inexperienced teachers, such as the deceased who was in her second year of teaching, as they struggled to handle incidents of school violence and excessive parental complaints. Many also testified that the she had been dealing with actual cases of school violence and excessive complaints from the parents. Despite the teachers’ accounts, the school issued a statement, Thursday, denying any reported cases of school violence within the deceased teacher’s classroom this year, prompting criticism that the school is attempting to downplay the incident. In response to the school’s statement, the teacher’s bereaved family held a press conference in front of the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education (SMOE), Thursday, calling for a thorough investigation into her death and the school’s system and education environment that may have contributed to it.
5. Which of the following cannot be inferred from the passage? CHOOSE TWO