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Question 1 of 8
1. Question
[기출] 4-1 Cactus 2022 1-2 중간
㉠The most notable thing about time is that it is so purely relative. A large amount of memory is, by general accounts, granted to the drowning man, and it is not surprising that one may look back upon an entire courtship while removing one’s gloves.
That is what Trysdale was doing while standing by a table in his apartment. ㉡On the table stood an unusual-looking green plant in a red earthen jar. The plant was one of the species of cacti and had long leaves that swayed with a peculiar beckoning motion in even the slightest breeze.
Trysdale’s friend, the brother of the bride, stood at a sideboard complaining about being allowed to drink alone. Both men were wearing suits. White favors like stars upon their coats shone through the gloom of the apartment.
㉢As he slowly unbuttoned his gloves, there passed through Trysdale’s mind a swift, terrible memory of the last few hours. It seemed that in his nose was still the scent of the flowers that had been contained in odorous masses about the church, and in his ears, he could hear the low-pitched hum of a thousand voices, the rustle of crisp garments, and, most of all, ㉣insistently recurring, the words of the preacher binding her completely to another.
From this last hopeless point of view he still strove desperately, as if it had become a habit of his mind, to figure out why and how he had lost her. Shaken rudely by the undeniable fact, he had suddenly found himself confronted by a thing he had never before faced—his own innermost self. He saw all the garments of pretense and egoism that he had worn turn to rags of foolishness. He shuddered at the thought that to others, before now, the garments of his soul must have appeared pitiful and threadbare. ㉤Vanity and conceit—these were what kept up his false appearance. And how free from either she had always been… But why…
As she had slowly moved up the aisle, he had felt an unworthy, strange sensation that had kept ①him from disintegrating. He had told himself that her paleness was from thoughts of ②another than the man to whom she was about to give herself. But even that poor comfort had been denied from him. For, when he saw that swift, upward look that she gave the man when ③he took her hand, ④he knew himself to be forgotten. Once, that same look had been raised to ⑤him, and he had tried to determine its meaning. Indeed, his conceit had been smashed. Why had it ended thus? There had been no quarrel between them, nothing…
1. 윗글의 ①~⑤ 중 지칭하는 바가 다른 하나를 고르면? [13점]
① ② ③ ④ ⑤
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Question 2 of 8
2. Question
2. 윗글의 밑줄친 ㉠~㉤ 대한 설명으로 가장 적절한 것은? [14점]
① ㉠ is used to explain how a drowning man can conceive all the memory of one’s life in a short given time, so ㉠ does not have any relevance to what Trysdale is doing when he removes his gloves.
② Subject-Verb Inversion is shown in ㉡; the writer intentionally put on the table in the beginning of the sentence and an unusual-looking ~ jar in the end because the table indicates the given information while an unusual-looking ~ jar is new information.
③ As mentioned in ㉠, ㉢ shows that Trysdale intentionally unbuttoned his gloves slowly to look back upon an entire courtship because removing gloves is usually of shorter duration than that of the entire courtship.
④ ㉣ implies that Trysdale would like to dismiss her from his mind, but he could not. He kept blaming the preacher for her marriage with the other man, not with him.
⑤ As evidenced by ㉤, readers can easily guess that Trysdale had lost his girlfriend because of his vanity and conceit. She was not in favor of such a characteristics and must be determined to break up with him.
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Question 3 of 8
3. Question
3. <보기>는 Henry의 작품에 대한 설명이다. <보기>를 토대로 위 작품의 결론을 예측한 것으로 가장 적절한 것은? [15점]
<보기> Henry is renowned for his excellent short stories, which are notable for their detailed characterization, verbal wit, humor, and irony. In addition, many of his stories have a clever twist ending, a device that many consider to be O. Henry’s trademark.
① Trysdale keeps thinking why he and his girlfriend have broken up. In the end, he ends up concluding that she has had another man with whom she fell in love and this is the main reason why she has declined his proposal.
② Trydale frequently reflects back his love story with her. The scene of his proposal to her has come up with his mind, but he cannot understand why and how her amiable look toward him ended up with a decline of his proposal. Trysdale later finds out that she actually accepted his proposal in the end of this short story.
③ The break-up of Trysdale’s marriage is so painful that he cannot let go his entire courtship with her for several years. Trysdale is always trying to figure out how his conceit has destroyed his marriage life and *repents of his past foolishness. In turn, they reunite together and come to a happy ending.
*repent: to be sorry for something and wish you had not done it
④ Trysdale’s friend, the brother of the bride, may play an important role in the reunion of Trysdale and his ex-girlfriend in the end of this story. In the process of the reunion, Trysdale would ask for her forgiveness for his conceit and vanity.
⑤ Trysdale’s pretense and egoism may be one of the reasons she(ex-girlfriend) left him. As she has been freed from his foolish characteristics, her marriage life with the other man is happier than that with Trysdale. It is only Trysdale who suffers from the past and cannot let her go forever.
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Question 4 of 8
4. Question
[기출] 2021 2-1 기말
4. “The Waitomo Glowworm Caves”에 대한 다음 글을 읽고 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 고르시오. [10점]
The Waitomo Glowworm Caves, one of New Zealand’s most unique tourist attractions, impress and amaze their visitors year after year. Tours of the caves take visitors through three separate levels. In each one, they can see magnificent stalagmites and stalactites that have formed over the course of millions of years.
After reaching the third level, visitors venture down the underground Waitomo River until they arrive at the Glowworm Grotto. Here, they are met with an incredible sight. The cave ceiling is filled with thousands of glowing dots that look like stars in a night sky! These mysterious lights are actually tiny glowworms, insects about the size of a mosquito. They are naturally bioluminescent, which means they can emit light from their bodies like fireflies. It is amazing how beautiful the cave looks with all those glimmering creatures!
Although the local Maori people were long aware of the caves’ existence, it was not until 1887, when Chief Tane Tinorau and an English surveyor named Fred Mace went to investigate them together, that they were fully explored. Mace and Chief Tane were fascinated by what they discovered, and they returned to the caves again and again to see the glowworms’ incredible light show.
About two years later, the caves were opened to visitors. It was Chief Tane and his wife Huti that first gave tours of the caves, but in 1906, the New Zealand government took over their administration. In 1989, the rights to the caves were returned to the Maori, and today, many of the staff are direct descendants of Chief Tane and Huti. More than 100 years after they were first discovered, the Waitomo Glowworm Caves continue to enchant those who step into them.
① 와이토모 동굴은 1887년에서야 완전히 탐사되었다.
② Tane Tinorau & Fred Mace는 the Glowworm Grotto에 여러 번 다녀왔다.
③ 와이토모 동굴은 보존이 필요하다.
④ 한때 뉴질랜드 정부가 동굴을 관리했다.
⑤ 와이토모 동굴은 glowworms 외에 다른 볼거리도 있다.CorrectIncorrect -
Question 5 of 8
5. Question
5. “The Magura Cave Paintings”에 대한 다음 글을 읽고 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 고르시오. [10점]
There are more than 750 of these paintings, the earliest of which date back as far as 8,000 years. They were made with bat guano and have been incredibly well-preserved, probably because the cave’s temperature remains at a constant 12 degrees Celsius year- round. Although similar paintings have been found in France, Italy, and the Iberian Peninsula, these are the only ones of their kind that have ever been found in Bulgaria. The paintings include images of plants, animals, dancing male and female figures, hunting men, and several figures wearing masks. Interestingly, the female figures are noticeably taller than their male counterparts. This has led archaeologists to believe that it was females that dominated society when the paintings were made. While many of the images represent scenes from everyday life, others represent gods and religious ceremonies. The paintings of one group actually make up the earliest known solar calendar in Europe, and it is surprisingly accurate. It has 366 days, and it
includes five festivals.
It is clear that whoever created these images belonged to a society that was rich in both spirituality and culture. The paintings show that from very early on, human beings transcended the basic instincts of survival to produce works of art that expressed their lives and their places in the world. The desire to represent ourselves through art is still one of humanity’s most fundamental characteristics. Thus, even today, viewers can feel a strange attachment to the ancient people who painted these images.① 여러 나라에서 비슷한 동굴벽화가 발견되었다.
② 동굴벽화에서 유럽 최초의 태양력을 볼 수 있다.
③ 동굴벽화의 원료가 박쥐의 배설물이라 잘 보존되었다.
④ 동굴벽화를 통해서 여성이 그 사회를 지배했음을 알 수 있다.
⑤ 동굴벽화를 그린 사람들은 영적, 문화적으로 풍요로운 사회에 살고 있었음을 알 수 있다.CorrectIncorrect -
Question 6 of 8
6. Question
[기출] 23년 2-1 중간
6. 다음 글의 내용 중 Active Listening에 대해 잘못 설명한 것은? [14점]
About Active Listening
The way to improve your listening skills is to practice “active listening.” This is where you make a conscious effort to hear not only the words that another person is saying but, more importantly, the complete message being communicated.
① In order to do this, you must pay attention to the other person very carefully. You cannot allow yourself to become distracted by whatever else may be going on around you, or by forming counterarguments while the other person is still speaking. Nor can you allow yourself to get bored, and lose focus on what the other person is saying.
② To enhance your listening skills, you need to let the other person know that you are listening to what they’re saying.
③ To understand the importance of this, ask yourself if you’ve ever had a conversation when you wondered if the other person was listening to what you were saying. You wonder if your message is getting across, or if its even worthwhile continuing to speak. It feels like talking to a brick wall and it’s something you want to avoid.
④ Acknowledgment can be something as simple as a nod of the head or a simple “uh huh.” You aren’t necessarily agreeing with the person, you are simply indicating that you are listening. Asking questions frequently can also help you to pay attention.
⑤ Try to respond to the speaker in a way that will encourage them to continue speaking, so that you can get the information that you need.
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Question 7 of 8
7. Question
[기출] 23년 2-1 기말
7. 글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 글이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳 고르시오. [12점]
The celebration begins with a mass attended by the girl and her family and godparents.
Quinceañera, the celebration of a girl’s 15th birthday, marking her passage from girlhood to womanhood; the term is also used for the celebrant herself. ( ① ) The quinceañera is both a religious and a social event that emphasizes the importance of family and society in the life of a young woman. It is celebrated in Mexico, Latin America, and the Caribbean, as well as in Latino communities in the United States and elsewhere. ( ② ) Mass is followed by a reception, or party, to which friends and relatives are invited. The reception features food, music, and dancing, with the girl accompanied by her “court” of damas (“maids of honour”) and chambelánes (“chamberlains”). Symbolic actions may include the presentation of a doll to a younger sister, to show that the celebrant is giving up her childhood, and the placement of heeled shoes on her feet, to indicate that she is ready for womanhood. ( ③ ) Traditionally, the dance portion of the quince includes a choreographed waltz-type dance that is prepared and is considered one of the main events of the evening. Toasts are often offered, and sometimes the cutting of a fancy cake is also involved. The celebration is generally as elaborate as the means of the family will allow. ( ④ ) Although the quince observance originally signified that the girl was prepared for marriage, the modern celebration is more likely to signal the beginning of formal dating. Some girls choose a trip abroad rather than a party, and others now choose not to celebrate their 15th birthday in the traditional manner. Like many other rites and ceremonies, quinceañeras continue to evolve. ( ⑤ ) Because the Aztec and Maya also had such rite-of-passage customs, it is thought that the quinceañera may have originated in the admixture of Spanish culture (including Roman Catholicism) with that of the indigenous peoples the Spaniards colonized.
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Question 8 of 8
8. Question
8. 다음 글을 읽고 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르면? [12점]
Though funerals would seem an unlikely source for such a festive tradition, the jazz funeral celebrates life at the moment of death—a concept common among many cultures until the twentieth century. In New Orleans and elsewhere, Europeans and Anglo-Americans attended funerals with music that featured a brass band playing “solemn music on the way to the grave and happy music on the return.” There is also a history of rejoicing at death through music in West African burial traditions. In 1819, architect Benjamin Latrobe witnessed a continuance of this tradition at a black funeral in New Orleans. The funeral began with the mourners making “loud lamentations” and ended with “noise and laughter.” With the end of slavery, black funerals with brass bands became commonplace. By the beginning of the twentieth century, the funerals had become forums for the performance of a new style of music—jazz—eventually becoming known as jazz funerals. Simultaneously, the popularity of funerals with brass band music waned among white New Orleanians.
In Tibetan Buddhism, sky burial is believed to represent their wishes to go to heaven. It is the most widespread way for commoners to deal with the dead in Tibet. If a Tibetan dies, the corpse is wrapped in white Tibetan cloth and placed in a corner of the house for three or five days, during which monks or lamas are asked to read the scripture aloud so that the souls can be released from purgatory. The Family members stop other activities in order to create a peaceful environment to allow convenient passage for ascension of souls into heaven. Later, the Family members will choose a lucky day and ask the body carrier to carry the body away to the celestial burial platform. On the day before the burial, the family members take off the clothes of the dead and fix the corpse in a fetal position. Specifically, the body is bent into a sitting position, with the head against the knees. At dawn on the lucky day, the corpse is sent to the burial site among mountains which is always far from the residential area. Then “Su” smoke is burned to attract condors, Lamas chant sutras to redeem the sins of the soul, and a professional celestial burial master deals with the body.
☞ The wide variety of funeral rituals that exist mirrors the great (A)________ of peoples around the world. Some of these rituals may be surprising or even shocking, but learning about them can help us better understand (the) (B)__________ from which they come.
(A) (B)
① mind peoples
② value funerals
③ regions nations
④ thinking value
⑤ diversity culturesCorrectIncorrect